2017 Galleries, Articles, Blogs

Lots of good articles, blogs, and photo galleries. Article and video from FOX 21 (Duluth). Pre-race article in Duluth News Tribune. Post-race article in Duluth News Tribune. Note from Geoffrey Archibald, who fell but finished. Gallery from Burgess Eberhardt. Blog post...

Steve Sylvester

A few reflections from my experience with this year’s race in the rearview. This is a lengthy read. One: I brought too much food. Without going into detail, I had a gallon Ziploc bag full of bars, beef sticks, Fig Newtons, etc. I had the same set aside as a drop...

Geoffrey Archibald

Apparently, I’m more hard core than I thought. A day after returning home with what I thought were a couple of bruised ribs from a fall after Melgeorges I found myself in the ER with difficulty breathing. Turns out I broke my ribs six times and tore a small hole...

Pamela Gonzalez

My First Arrowhead 135(aka, 54 Hours in the Same Chamois):Everyone has something to overcome in approaching and completing an event like this. Mine was to continue to accept what is; that’s where gratitude dwells.Before my novel begins, some thank yous. To my...