
FYI: Arrowhead Mascot Baby Lilly Adopted by way loving family last week!

Proving an extraordinary strong field Ultra-Winter Racers, 2012 Arrowhead 135 supplied Lots o’ Records despite rather soft course conditions mild “snizzely“(snow and drizzle) weather.  WeeHaw!

Numerous “fastest” were broken including: Fastest Skier Ever the Minnesota/Wisconsin NorthLands CASEY KRUEGER breaking old ski record by astounding 14 hrs. 

Fastest Woman Biker Ever Colorado’s ESZTER HORANYI  by a couple hours at 18+hrs!

Fastest Man Runner Duluth’s Sir JASON BUFFINGTON by 45 minutes in 37hrs and change.  

Most Skiers ever to finish…Seven, almost equaling total amount in 8 previous races put together.

Oldest Finisher ever…Erwin Berglund finishing strong on da bike at 69yrs old!  Holy Moley!

Closest Exciting Bike Finish Ever Alaskans BREITENBACH and BERNTSON: about a tire width.  Previous BasingerOatleyPramann 2010 finish was a tire width and a half.  

Most Finishers Ever at 81.  Highest Percentage Ever at ~75%. Mild conditions provided tough going in spots but allowed folks to “Tough It Out”, and finish. 

Fine Volunteers Everywhere, Great sponsors and local Hosts at Nations IceBox I-Falls/Gateway Store/MelGeorge Resort/Ski-Pulk and Fortune Bay provided a Home Run for racers.

Arrowhead 135 Inc. donated ~150lbs Food to  nice I-Falls Foodshelf and while we figure out da bills, should be $+5000 to Spec Ops Warrior Foundation Charity and Local Snowmobile Clubs for THANKS using the nice Arrowhead Trail!  Cool.