Arrowhead 2022 Galleries and Racer Blogs
2022 Galleries, Articles, and Blog Posts
A good collection of photo galleries, articles, and blog posts.
Blog post by Mark Scotch, a biker.
Blog post and photo gallery by Jamison Swift, volunteer (finish line manager).
Blog post by Tristan Carlson, a biker.
Blog post by Charlie Farrow, kick-sledder.
Blog post by Leah Gruhn, a biker.
Blog post by Jim Aspras, a biker.
Blog post by Nathan Marti, a runner.
Article about Shalane Frost, skier extraordinaire.
Articles about Mark Scotch, HERE, HERE, HERE.
Albums from Gregory T Photography – runners, skiers, bikers.
Album of all finishers below. Some notes:
- These are in picture time order, not finish order.
- Not all finishers had pics taken, sorry about that…
- If you would like full-sized versions of these, let me know (via Contact Us page).
Leah Gruhn
Arrowhead 135 (2022 edition)
I am grateful to have been at the starting line for the 11th time and got my 9th finish, this one unsupported, and ended up second in the women’s bike field.
For those of you unfamiliar with the Arrowhead, this is the annual 135-mile traipse from International Falls, MN (the self-proclaimed “Icebox of the Nation” to Tower, MN on a snowmobile trail in the coldest part of winter. Participants have the choice if they want to travel on bike, foot, or ski, and I was once again on bike as I have been 10 out of the 11 times).
It was so, so sweet to be back after last year’s race was cancelled. So much fun to see dear friends from all over for the great annual Arrowhead family reunion.
I rode with Jeré Mohr for most of the race. Temperatures were on the warmer end of the spectrum, which softened the trail and made it variable – deep ruts in places (it’s always exciting to hit a rut on a downhill!) and smooth and fast in others.
This years race was unique because my parents came up to spectate. They saw the focused planning that happened 36 hours before the race start, as well as the deep friendships and mutual respect that bind the Arrowhead community together. Thinking about the race from their perspective made me appreciate it even more.
Thank you to Race Directors Ken and Jackie Krueger for making it happen!!
Back of the Pack Racing
Spokengear / Cedaero
BarYak LLC